Embracing the Edge: 7 Ways to Prepare for Edge Computing in Manufacturing

Oct 9, 20244 mins read

As Industry 4.0 accelerates, manufacturers are turning to edge computing to harness real-time data insights, enhance operational efficiency, and maintain a competitive edge in a technology-driven market. By processing data closer to the source, edge computing reduces latency and improves decision-making. Here are 7 ways manufacturers can strategically prepare to integrate edge computing into their operations:

1. Recognize the strategic importance of edge computing

The first step in preparation is understanding the significant value edge computing brings to manufacturing. By processing data locally, manufacturers can respond to insights immediately, leading to faster decision-making and improved system responsiveness.


The global edge computing market is projected to reach $61.14 billion by 2028, with a 16.8% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), driven by sectors like manufacturing.

By 2025, 75% of industrial IoT-generated data will be processed at the edge, indicating a major shift toward localized data processing.

Strategic takeaway:
Edge computing enables real-time action on data, giving manufacturers a strategic advantage by reducing downtime, improving agility, and enhancing operational efficiency.

2. Assess your current infrastructure

Evaluating your existing IT and operational technology (OT) infrastructure is crucial. Many manufacturers still rely on cloud-based systems, which may not meet the real-time demands of edge computing. Identifying gaps and preparing for the necessary upgrades will allow a smooth transition to edge technology.


37% of manufacturers have already adopted edge computing solutions, while an additional 27% plan to implement it within the next two years (IDC, 2022).

Strategic takeaway:
Conduct a thorough infrastructure audit to determine what upgrades are needed to support edge computing, such as improved connectivity or processing capabilities at the edge.

3. Focus on high-impact use cases

Not all areas of your operations will equally benefit from edge computing, so it is vital to prioritize high-impact use cases. Start with areas that will see the most significant improvements, such as predictive maintenance, real-time quality control, and inventory management.


Predictive maintenance powered by edge computing can reduce equipment downtime by 30% and extend machinery lifespan.

Real-time quality control using edge-based AI reduces defects and waste by 15-20%, improving production outcomes.

Strategic takeaway:
Prioritize edge computing deployments where they can have the most immediate impact, like preventing downtime or improving product quality through real-time monitoring.

4. Invest in IoT and connectivity

A successful edge computing strategy relies on a strong IoT infrastructure. Advanced sensors and reliable connectivity are essential for gathering and transmitting data from machines in real time. Manufacturers need to ensure their devices can handle the data load and that the network infrastructure supports rapid data processing.


The number of connected IoT devices in manufacturing is projected to grow by 35% annually through 2027, further driving demand for edge-compatible systems.

Strategic takeaway:
Invest in IoT technologies and robust connectivity solutions to ensure your devices can gather, process, and analyze data at the edge in real time.

5. Implement strong security measures

With data processed closer to the source, security risks increase. Edge devices can be more vulnerable to attacks, especially when deployed in less secure environments. A comprehensive security strategy is essential to protect sensitive data and maintain the integrity of operations.


60% of manufacturers have reported improved worker safety through edge computing, which shows that security and operational safety must go hand in hand.

Strategic takeaway:
Develop strong encryption protocols, secure access management, and real-time monitoring systems to safeguard your edge infrastructure from cyber threats.

6. Upskill Your Workforce

Edge computing requires a new skill set for managing IoT devices, processing real-time data, and handling decentralized networks. Manufacturers need to invest in upskilling their workforce to ensure successful deployment and management of edge technology.


Companies that have invested in edge technologies report an 18-20% improvement in production efficiency, emphasizing the importance of skilled professionals to maintain these systems.

Strategic takeaway:
Provide training and development programs that focus on IoT, data analytics, and edge system management to ensure your team is equipped to handle the complexities of edge computing.

7. Build strategic partnerships

Collaborating with technology providers and industry experts can help manufacturers accelerate the implementation of edge computing. These partnerships offer access to specialized knowledge, cutting-edge solutions, and insights on the latest developments in edge technology.


Transitioning from traditional cloud-based systems to edge computing can reduce data processing latency by 30-40%, but this process is smoother with the support of experienced partners.

Strategic takeaway:
Forge strategic partnerships with technology experts and systems integrators to guide your edge computing journey and ensure you are using the latest and most effective solutions.

Preparing for the Future of Manufacturing

Edge computing is rapidly transforming the manufacturing industry, enabling faster decision-making, increased efficiency, and reduced downtime. By following a strategic approach that includes infrastructure assessment, prioritizing key use cases, investing in IoT and security, and building partnerships, manufacturers can successfully integrate edge computing into their operations.

The rise of edge computing presents an exciting opportunity for manufacturers to stay competitive in an increasingly connected world. By taking these strategic steps today, manufacturers will be well-positioned to lead the next generation of smart manufacturing. 

Contact us today to find out how you can enhance your edge computing journey.