Change Management

Using change management to drive user adoption and realize better ROI

Making Change Management a differentiating factor for your organization

Enterprise software applications offer tremendous opportunities to improve processes, reduce waste, and implement best practices. They also require organizations and people to adopt enormous amounts of change in support of those goals. Argano consultants can help with your change management efforts — using our model of driving change grounded in the best practices of multiple leading change management methodologies and refined over the course of countless enterprise software implementations.

Leverage proven methodology

Where’s the risk? If you are working with the right organization, applications and the way that they are implemented are predictable. What is less predictable is people. Will your people be ready, willing, and able to adapt to the significant change in process and tools that will come with an enterprise application implementation? Argano Change Management reduces the risks associated with rolling out solutions that your people can’t or won’t use. We make change management part of every project to ensure you achieve your desired outcomes.

Use change management expertise

Our change experts will collaborate with you to identify, clarify, and simplify the expected business goals and outcomes, setting you up for success. Our proprietary change management approach combines best practices in the field of organizational change with sound behavioral science to direct change operations at the enterprise, division, project team, and individual levels. We then execute a change management strategy that ensures you achieve your desired results.

Improve employee engagement, productivity, and performance

Investing in technology to build your digital foundation means investing in your people. Our framework helps your people to transition to new technologies based upon their roles within the organization and the system, helping them go beyond accepting changes to embrace the goals of the organization.

Reduce cost and drive faster ROI

The Argano Change Management method provides the groundwork to expedite the process that people must go through to adapt to change faster and in a more sustainable fashion maximizing your return on investment and time to value.

Delivering success for every client

Successful cloud transformation is not just about technology. To ensure you get the most out of your investment, your people must be part of your technology strategy. The Argano Change Management model can help you achieve the return on investment that your organization seeks. We can help create a change-ready environment, enable you to provide best-in-class user training and support, and drive a sustainable model for managing future change in your organization.

Want to know more?

Contact us today to learn how our solutions fuel your high-performance business operations.

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